05 May Knock Down and Re-Build or Renovate – What Should You Do?
If your home is outdated, run-down or has a dysfunctional floorplan, you might be considering a complete renovation to bring it back to life and make it more suitable for your modern lifestyle. Many people choose to renovate believing that is the more affordable option, however, in some cases, the work required to renovate may be more time-consuming and costly than knocking the house down and rebuilding a brand-new home. As experienced Canberra builders, the team at Elliott Hardie designs and builds contemporary, sustainable custom homes with you in mind. If you are torn between a renovation and a knock down rebuild, here’s a few things you should consider that may help you make the right decision for your situation.
How Old is Your Home and What Condition is it in?
One easy way to determine whether you should knock down your home is by considering its age, character, and condition. Typically, older homes and especially period homes, hold many historical attributes that are difficult to replicate. In this case, it usually worth renovating and preserving its historical significance. Additionally, if the structural integrity of your home is sound and most of the changes you desire are cosmetic, then renovating would be the best option. However, if your home is falling apart, requires major changes or is worth little more than the land itself, a knock down rebuild would be the most suitable option.
Understand What’s Allowed
In many local government areas throughout the ACT and NSW, the age of the home and the surrounding vegetation can impact the type of construction you are allowed to undertake. It’s important to check with your local council regarding any rules and restrictions that you would need to adhere to. Each council upholds different planning laws, and in some cases a complete knock down may not be permitted.
What are the Current Market Conditions?
While a knock down rebuild is ideal for those who don’t want to leave their current location, it’s worth ensuring that rebuilding won’t run the risk of overcapitalising on your property. The last thing you want to do is invest a large sum of money into your build if it eventually outweighs the market value. If you plan to stay in the home forever, then this may be less of consideration but still worthwhile to think about.
What Are Your Design Plans?
This will likely be one of the determining factors when deciding whether to renovate or rebuild. If you are happy with the layout of your home, it has sentimental value or you want to keep some of its pre-existing features, then renovating is for you. Conversely, if you want to completely re-work the floorplan, aren’t attached to any particular features and would like a completely new, modern space that functions for the whole family, demolishing the house will give you the freedom and flexibility to come up with almost any design imaginable. You can also easily integrate sustainable design features and passive design that will reduce your costs in the long term and minimise your environmental impact.
How Much Time Do You Have?
The average duration for a home renovation is anywhere from 4 to 8 months, sometimes longer depending on the scope of work required. Generally, to knock down and build a new home, this can take up to a year, also depending on the scale, detail and finishes required. In most cases, a renovation is quicker as you aren’t starting from scratch yet renovating can reveal a wide range of unexpected issues that can add thousands to your budget and additional time to your schedule. Another thing to consider is that when rebuilding you will not be able to stay in your home, you will need to find another place to stay for the duration of the build.
Big changes require big decisions, so it’s important to take your time, do you research and ask questions to determine the most appropriate option.
Decided that Knocking Down and Rebuilding is Right for You?
For a high-quality knock down rebuild, Canberra homeowners Can trust Elliott Hardie. With decades of experience creating contemporary homes for Australian families, we’re here to help you build the dream home you have always wanted. With an emphasis on quality, value, and communication, when you choose to work with us you can be sure you will receive an outstanding result, on time and on budget. To start the process, get in touch with us today online or by calling 0479 106 944. Elliott Hardie Homes – Built. For. You.